Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Curiosities about the movie "Old Boy" 2003

Four live octopodes were eaten for the scene with Dae-su in the sushi bar, a scene which provoked some controversy abroad. 
Eating live octopus in Korea is commonplace although it is usually sliced first. 
When the film won the Grand Prix at Cannes, the director thanked the octopodes along with the cast and crew.

The telephone number (08-6600330) which is supposed to go to Oh Dae-su's daughter's foster parents home in Sweden, actually has been "shut down requested by the owner of the number" (that's what the voice says when you call the number). 
But you are referred to another number (08-54589400) which goes to "The Embassy of the Republic of Korea" in Stockholm, Sweden.

Choi's impassioned and cool acting in Oldboy caused his popularity in Korea to soar, and made his name known to many overseas viewers.
Choi Min-sik lost and gained weight for his role depending on the filming schedule, trained for six weeks and did most of his stunt work.

One Cannes regular described Oldboy as a Tarantino movie that Tarantino would be afraid to make

For its domestic theatrical run "Oldboy" appeared on 45 screens and took in a total of 3,269,000 admissions. 
The film became the 4th highest grossing film for all domestic films and the 6th highest grossing for all films screened in South Korea in 2003.

More about the movie "Old Boy" Here

1 comment:

  1. Movies are the best way to see a story with the the so experienced actors nowadays
    i enjoy reading so many Noticias de Cine.


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